At Leckford we are blessed with having the Water Meadows stretching away each side of the River channel, this means that often the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) not only covers the River and immediate banks, but encompasses the Meadows as well.
Rich in wetland habitat,Leckford has large areas of Phragmites (Norfolk Reed), the Water meadows are home to rare Moths, Butterflies and a place you can still see and hear Cuckoos and watch Hobby’s catching Mayflies.
In recent times, Otters have made a comeback, not seen since the 60’s they are now a fairly common sighting for a quiet Fisherman. Kingfishers are always present and are more often heard than seen, with the lack of high banks they nest in the roots of fallen Poplar Trees.
As part of the management in the River Valley we periodically burn the Reed beds (photo in gallery) to kill encroaching Willow and Thorns, this looks extreme but after a few weeks the new growth covers the blackened ground and by July you would not know it had been burnt. The Reed beds are home to Warblers and Buntings and in the Winter, Bitterns and Water Rails, pay us a visit.